A Passionate developer and tech enthusiast. Reliably crafting high-performance applications for businesses with cloud-based solutions. Specializing in Full Stack Development. Let's collaborate and scale up your business together! Let's get in touch and explore opportunities together for a brighter digital fortune.One line of code at a time!
I have worked in many projects in my professional life. Among them some projects are close my heart. I kept them in my showcase.
Stack: TypeScript, React, Next, Mantine, Rechart, React Hooks, Forms etc.
Project Owner: CifarX
Stack: TypeScript, React, Astro, Tailwind CSS, Tailwind UI etc
Project Owner: CifarX
Stack: TypeScript, React, Astro, Tailwind CSS, Tailwind UI etc
Project Owner: CifarX
Stack: TypeScript, Python, Mantine, PostgreSQL, FastAPI, React, Vite, TanStack Query, etc
Project Owner: CifarX
Stack: TypeScript, Next, Tailwind CSS, Tailwind UI, AWS S3 etc
Project Owner: Pioneer Alpha Ltd
Stack: Next, Node.js, Express.js, Redux Toolkit, AWS Amplify, AWS Cognito, AWS S3, AWS SES, AWS Lambda, AWS AppSync, AWS DynamoDB etc
Project Owner: Pioneer Alpha Ltd
Sometimes I try to write some articles about different technologies and about the problems I faced and how I solved those. Opinions are my own.